CRA Mobilizes Ground Effort for Trump in New Hampshire, Secure Trump’s Second Overwhelming Primary Victory

January 25, 2024
Dominick Buehler

The College Republicans of America (CRA) yet again formed numerous dedicated election teams for President Trump, forming the largest single student group in the state of New Hampshire during the state’s Republican primary - for the second consecutive time.

Again dealing with freezing cold weather, CRA volunteers exuberantly set out to convince voters of President Trump’s America First message. CRA’s constituent Boston College club, one of many deployed in the state, talked to nearly 1,000 potential voters with a primary team of just three people. In the end, many would end up voting for President Trump.

“We made over 750 calls and knocked on over 100 doors in New Hampshire, and a lot of the voters we talked to either were uncommitted or didn’t plan on voting,” said Boston College Republicans President James Markis. “We made the case for President Trump as the only candidate in the race who could not only defeat Joe Biden in November, but also not return the country to the Bush-era of endless overseas wars, hollowing out of the middle class, and increased immigration into the country at the expense of American workers.”

Markis said that the blowout double-digit Trump victory, even in the odd-duck state of New Hampshire, reflected the former President’s unique understanding of the issues facing everyday America. “It’s clear from the results that Trump’s message resonated with the voters of New Hampshire, who didn’t truly understand the financial backers of the Haley campaign or her position on the major issues facing our country,” Markis said.

Despite Donald Trump already being considered the presumptive nominee, CRA is planning to send more “get out the vote” teams on Super Tuesday. Considered the single most important day in the primary process, President Markis promised that he and his team would be there to support the 45th president.

“We plan to help out with President Trump in Massachusetts when voting commences on Super Tuesday, as well as any other work that is necessary,” he said. “We are in constant communication with CRA leadership, the Trump Campaign, and the State GOP to coordinate the best ways for the Boston College Republicans to support President Trump in not only defeating Nikki Haley but also Joe Biden in November.”

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