The Latest in Our Ongoing Fights
CRA members spoke on the convention stage, at an international press conference, and more.
The 37-year old biological male, previously a member of the Sigma Phi Beta Fraternity, received "honorary membership."
Capitalizing on experience gained in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, CRA stepped up its GOTV game in Georgia.
Committeewoman Sarah Green triumphed over a Democratic legislator who challenged her integrity
The team at the College Republicans of America is honored and proud to celebrate our first anniversary on this May 18th
A rising star in College Republicans of America is running for office in Wisconsin.
The New York and Wisconsin College Republicans State Federations held blowout state conventions in April
The College Republicans at Indiana University (IU) defied leftist threats and a hostile smear campaign by local media
The Kansas University College Republicans recently helped its local TPUSA Chapter host Charlie Kirk to speak to students
CRA chapter the Clemson College Republicans were politically targeted by false accusations of "soliciting"
Te CRA chapter at the University of Wisconsin recently hosted a Walk Away event on campus
A CRA Member at the University of Arizona was retroactively disqualified from a Student Senate position illegitimately
Over the past few weeks, College Republicans across the country hosted a flurry of events on campus, generating massive
College Republicans of America (CRA) President Will Donahue and a small group of CRA leadership broke new ground for CRA
The College Republicans of America recently hosted a breakout room event at CPAC, bringing in over 100 attendees.
The College Republicans of America came out in huge numbers to support President Trump in the South Carolina primary
The St. Thomas College Republicans made waves Monday when they invited Steve Forbes
CRA’s most recent charter in Indiana, the St. Mary’s College Republicans (SMCR), helped make waves
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) College Republicans spent Thursday night making massive inroads
Chris Flemming, the political director of CRA, was the most recent executive board member to meet President Trump