Outreach Director Billy Blathras and Wisconsin VP Kaden Crapp Mark Three CRA Executives to Meet President Trump

December 6, 2023
Steve Savas

Throughout 2023 The College Republicans of America students have been all over the country working with the GOP to help Republicans win in 2024, and three of our members have had the opportunity to meet with President Donald J. Trump.

In a recent Iowa Trump Commit to Caucus rally, CRA Outreach Director William “Billy”  Blathras, led a group of students to volunteer in hosting the event. For his leadership in this, he had the opportunity to meet President Trump, which he described as an incredible honor. He shared, “That experience is one I won’t soon forget and I hope a lot more of our college republicans in Wisconsin and across the country can have.”

Blathras also elaborated on the work he hoped to accomplish in his own state. “The work we have done with CRs in Wisconsin and now in Iowa is instrumental for bringing about a victory for the President in 2024. CRA students are helping to lay the groundwork in Iowa for January then pivot to our own state in November, giving a lot of our own college republicans the chance to connect with Team Trump and promote our chapters in Wisconsin.” 

The Vice Chair of Wisconsin College Republicans, Kaden Crapp, helps lead one of the largest and most active state federations in the country. During the recent Trump visit to the Midwest, he was also given the opportunity of a lifetime to meet President Trump before he spoke to the crowd. Recounting this, Mr. Crapp stated, “Though brief, the opportunity to meet him was surreal. I was able to shake his hand and then he thanked me for my hard work and I thanked him for his. This will be an opportunity I will never forget!”

These two meetings mark three CRA members who have encountered President Trump in just over six months of operation. This October, CRA President Will Donahue had the distinct honor of talking with the former President during an event hosted by the California GOP as well. He felt that, “In a lot of ways Trump is larger than life and it was an honor and a privilege for Team Trump to give me the opportunity to meet the president and tell him [Trump] what we are up to and how we are helping to propel the GOP to victory in 2024.” 

Donahue explained that the Trump team has been highly responsive to the CRA and because he is so heavily favored to win the primary, establishing a good relationship with his team and being on good terms with them will be positive for everyone involved heading into election season and beyond.

We look forward to continuing to work with Trump's team, providing members with unique access and opportunities, and making a real difference in 2024.

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