The University of Tennessee, Knoxville CR’s Host Mayor and WWE Wrestler Glenn Jacobs to Discuss RKO’ing the Left

December 13, 2023
Dominick Buehler

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville College Republicans hosted Knoxville Mayor and WWE World Champion Glenn Jacobs earlier this month, discussing the many issues affecting Knox County, the State of Tennessee, and the country.

 “Our club was very excited to host Mayor Jacobs as a speaker,” said UTK CR President Elijah Boatwright, “We invited him not only because of his increasing political prowess in Tennessee politics but also because of his life experience. Jacobs is a true rags to riches story, hailing from a poor family in rural Missouri to becoming a WWE superstar and Hall of Famer.”

Mr. Jacobs, known professionally as “Kane” in the WWE, first joined politics in 2018 while winding down his involvement in professional wrestling. Laying low for the first few years of his Mayorship, Jacobs first gained national attention when he defended President Trump against his impeachment trial in 2019. Shortly thereafter, Jacobs gained international attention for his bold rhetoric against unconstitutional vaccine and mask mandates.

The three-time WWE world champion famously called the left-wing county board “unelected bureaucrats who cast down edicts which carry the force of law with no accountability and no recourse.” Honoring his rhetoric, Jacobs successfully forced the Knox County board to limit its powers.

President Boatwright said he and his club were inspired by Jacobs’s words and actions.

“Although many political issues were discussed at the event, the most valuable word he gave to our students reflected his own life: the importance of rising above mediocrity and striving for nothing less than greatness, a simple yet powerful idea in a society where equity and fairness are seen as virtuous,” Boatwright remarked.

With a climactic 2024 election rapidly approaching, the UTK College Republicans have been working relentlessly to rally the party around authentic conservative candidates.

The UTK College Republicans President announced that a host of prominent conservative speakers were coming shortly. “Another man of wisdom and integrity, Knoxville’s own congressman Tim Burchett is scheduled to address our students early next semester,” Boatwright said.

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