CRA Leads the Pack in Fighting for President Trump, Organizes Huge Iowa Caucus Team

January 12, 2024
Dominick Buehler

Following through with their promise of supporting President Donald J. Trump against entrenched opposition, the College Republicans of America (CRA) have mobilized an energetic get-out-the-vote team of nearly 40 students in Iowa for the upcoming caucus. 

Coming from nearly a dozen states and the District of Columbia, the CRA ground team comprises the largest college republican force currently working in Iowa. CRA volunteers and organizers will coordinate directly with the Trump campaign to maximize outreach and turnout. Activists will alternate between phone banking, literature dropping, and door-knocking over the weekend and into Monday, January 15th, the day of the caucus.

 D.C. National Committeeman Ian Cruz, a CRA Board of Governors member, said the team was readier than ever to show up in support of the President.

“We got to hear from Donald Trump Jr yesterday about the need to keep the foot on the pedal to ensure a massive Trump victory in the caucus,” Cruz said. “Iowans are excited to support Trump and want to see a resounding victory on Monday so that the party can unite behind him as soon as possible,” he stressed. “The CRA team is fired up.”

CRA volunteers will be calling, texting, and trudging through snow across the state to talk with residents and caucus-goers. Despite temperature plunges, travel difficulties, and intermittent snow storms, the CRA team says morale on the ground has only increased.

“Everyone is super excited to help President Trump,” South Carolina National Committeeman and Clemson University CR Chairman Trevor Tiedeman reported. “We will show up for him in rain, sleet, or snow because we recognize the sacrifices he has made for the betterment of the United States, and we know a second term will be no different.”

Tiedeman explained that his experience talking with Iowa residents has all but confirmed that Trump remains the uncontested frontrunner, both in the polls and in the hearts of the people.

 “Most people have a very positive outlook on Trump. He has a strong lead in most polling, and simply talking to people on the phone and around Iowa, it is clear he is the front-runner for the Republican nomination,” Tiedeman said. “Voters resonate with his America First policies and are willing to show up for him in droves for the Caucus.”

With the South Carolina primary a little over a month away, Tiedeman said he and CRA are preparing yet another massive ground effort for the 45th president.

“There are 16 days from the Nevada Caucus to the South Carolina primary, so we intend to mobilize as many young conservatives as possible… we’ve done door-knocking and phone banking in the past, but we will be turning it up several notches after the Iowa Caucus,” he said.

While the college Republicans of days past waited until the end of primaries to start working in earnest, the College Republicans of America, recognizing Trump’s inevitable primary victory and his recent unconstitutional removal from the ballot in several states, is already rallying hundreds to President Trump’s cause, creating overwhelming momentum to sweep the Democrats out of power in 2024.

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