CRA Members Continue to Push for a Trump Victory in Iowa, Meet the President

January 14, 2024
Simon Siedl

As the eve of the Iowa caucus wraps up, the College Republicans of America has a lot to be proud of as it continues its efforts to help Trump win the first primary state. 

In a recent Des Moines Register/NBC News/MediaCom Iowa Poll, Trump holds a 28-point lead over his nearest competitor, Nikki Haley, who is currently sitting at 20 percent. But, even with this good news for Trump, CRA members have not stopped working to help the 45th president ensure as many supporters show up to the caucuses on Monday as possible. South Carolina National Committeeman and Clemson University CR Trevor Tiedeman went into detail about the efforts of the CRA members on the ground.

“We joined President Trump at the flag-dropping in Fort Des Moines Hotel this morning. Before he arrived, we helped set up the ballroom and made hundreds of phone calls before tomorrow’s Caucus. We plan on going to campaign HQ to continue phone banking and meeting Iowa voters!”

Billy Blathras, the state chair of WICRs, gave a specific timeline of events, including a surprise visit from President Trump himself at HQ. 

“First today, we went to the historic Fort Des Moines hotel where they had us making more phone calls for the president in a final push on Sunday to rally people around for the caucus tomorrow. Then we had a surprise visit from the president who came and thanked the volunteers for the work. About half of the people in the room were from the College Republicans of America, most of [whom] were from the Wisconsin College Republicans.” Blathras said.

“After that, [there was] an inaugural flag drop at the hotel which commemorated its new restoration, and President Trump [released] the flag after the speech. The College Republicans of America [members] were in the front row for all these pictures right next to the president on the balcony, and we [were] able to get signed hats and other photographs with the president.” he recounted

After meeting and greeting, CRA members quickly returned to Tump HQ to continue the phone banking efforts and hasten the republican unity necessary to beat Joe Biden.

The Iowa Caucus starts at 7 pm CST with the doors opening at 6 pm CST.

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