CRA Springs into Action for President Trump as Iowa Caucus Approaches, Makes Majority of the 50,000 Calls from Trump HQ

January 14, 2024
John Parker

After promising to support President Donald J. Trump, the College Republicans of America (CRA) have begun execution, with members on the ground in Iowa and elsewhere across the country phone banking for the 45th President.

A force of nearly forty CRs have made it to Iowa, despite the once-in-a-decade blizzard rocking the state. CRA Outreach Director Billy Blathras, who’s on the ground in Iowa at the time of writing, elaborated on the group’s activities so far.

“We have been phone banking at the Des Moines HQ, we talked to Team Trump officials, Jason Miller, and Kari Lake. We have multiple CRs on the leaderboard for Iowa calls and have done various interviews with other media outlets,” Blathras reported. “The experience has been super pleasant, Team Trump is very welcoming and our CRA guys are taking up most of the calls at the HQ,” he said.

Also on the ground, South Carolina National Committeeman and Clemson University CR Chairman Trevor Tiedeman, echoed the sentiment, speaking on the enriching experience and the chance to work with major Republican figures.

“We were honored to see AZ Senate candidate Kari Lake at campaign HQ as well. She encouraged young conservatives like those in CRA to get involved so we can take back this country,” Tiedeman said.

“Amazing energy from the Trump team thus far. Everyone has been putting in work over the phone at HQ with over 50,000 calls made today alone on behalf of Trump,” he continued. “There is a -20 degree wind chill, but that is not going to stop us from supporting President Trump.”

“I can guarantee we’ve done the most calls” he said.

 However, CRs aren’t just active in Iowa. Arizona National Committeeman Ricky Guthridge reported on CRA efforts taking place in Arizona as well.
“We have been working with the Arizona Trump team to activate our club for the Trump campaign. This has been a great way to get the recruits for the club to get mobilized,” he said.

“President Trump is our guy through and through and wants the best for our country, our club believes we should put America first and we are done with talking and our focus is on action,” he continued.

This massive mobilization comes as the follow-through to the CRA endorsement of President Trump earlier this week, to unify the republican party behind its presumptive nominee as early as possible to ensure the removal of Joe Biden from the White House.

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